She said Yes!!!

Vals day is almost here and boys, sorry, men have started popping rings and questions like champagne. I’ve been forced to wonder if it was possible to say no actually. Yels, No. What would happen if a guy goes through all the trouble only to be answered with a public No! Ouch!

Ok I promise not to get derailed. This is just to congratulate a guy I barely know and a lady who I will totally walk past on the street but helped pick out her ring. Yes, I took the time, while everyone was busy watching Nigeria spell Mali in goals, and I went to the Gold shops to look for a ring for this lucky lady.

My cousin had called to ask for a favor, about helping a guy get a ring for his girlfriend. OMG, things like this excite me so much. In fact, if you don’t ask me I will totally volunteer my services. I made sure I Informed every guy who was yet to propose around me, so they could see what their fellow men were up to and get thinking.

The proposer wanted a ring with one of those elevated single stones, but I knew that there was no way moi was going to buy the regular plain vanilla ones. I had my own plans for the girl. God forbid that I let her wear those plain things. He wanted one stone and he would get one stone. But I knew there were one stone rings and there were one stone rings. J

On Wednesday afternoon, I and my able accomplice who fortunately has the same ring size with the proposee started our search for a white gold engagement ring with one stone and with a budget in mind. (Thanks again Miss Ali :*)
We saw a couple of beautiful engagement rings and excitedly started taking pictures and sending them to the proposer. Yes they all had one stone, but with extra stones in other places (Happy Grin). We eventually narrowed our option to three exotic rings.

I forgot to mention that sometimes when searching for a ring for an absent proposee, size is always a problem. I think every girl should do herself a favor and know her ring size, or please keep a fake ring which your man can steal for a surprise. A simple ring size check can be gotten HERE. Somehow, my cousin had said her ring size was a 23. I was in shock. Was she that fat? I saw her picture and knew there was no way she was a 23. I would get a large size but definitely not a 23. 

The proposer was skeptical at first about not buying a 23, then he saw my accomplice’s finger and said his proposee’s fingers looked just liked that. My accomplice’s ring size is a 16/17 (Rolling my eyes). Far cry from 23. I had this girl’s best interest at heart o. ‘Cos’ I was just not ready to let her start resizing a ring, especially a white gold one.We eventually found the perfect ring even though we went just a couple of thousands above the budget. But the proposer was totally fine with that. Ring in hand was not the end of my assignment
 Proposer wanted the ring embedded in a cake box, with will you marry me somewhere at the side. So with another budget in mind, the search began for an affordable cake designer who could deliver a pink and cream cake/ring box in two days. Two days because, the proposer was scheduled to be in town aboard a first flight and wanted to propose as soon as he arrived.

Fortunately, I got a good deal and picked up the cake by Friday afternoon. By Saturday Morning, I had the cake and ring delivered to the proposer. He seemed a little nervous. Hehe. Why are guys always nervous sef?

By midday I got a picture with the words “And she said Yes…it just fits into her finger do perfectly…forever grateful…you are part of my history….” Aawww touched much. Always my pleasure to be at anyone’s service when it has to do with wedding things; proposal o, bridal shower, any one.

Congratulations to the Proposer and the proposee. I still don’t know the girl…but I’m so happy  that there's a 'bling' on your finger…plus the guy has one of those surnames (Lewis, Cole, Vontrap) that just makes you wanna get married and change your name sharply. Especially if you had a surname like ‘Ajangbo’ ‘Baskelebe’ (forgive my momentary razzness).

If you ever need someone to help you with a surprise proposal or surprise anything in the FCT, please hit me up. J


  1. Thank you so much for making my mouth ache.....wonderful piece congrats to the couple

  2. Consider yourself 'signed-up'. . . .when the time comes that is :-)


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