Locks of Love; Jazz or Not?
The Pont des Arts and Pont de l'Archeveche in Paris have been re-branded by tourists from all over. Neither of these bridges still maintain their original identity, they are now known simply for the hundreds of padlocks attached to the bridge. To be honest, I do not even remember which one of these two bridges I crossed, all I remember seeing is an unbelievable number of padlocks. From the foot of either bridge, tourists are met with hundreds of padlocks either attached directly to the railings of the bridge or attached to other already attached padlocks on the bridge. Let me give a brief history of the locks of love before I throw on my African cap. Couples go to these bridges prepared to “seal” their love with a padlock. This is obvious from the fact that most of the padlocks have engraved names while some simply have names inscribed with a felt pen. They call it a symbol of love and commitment (whatever happened to the wedding ring). The lovers, both of whom mus...