
Showing posts with the label Siemens

Your First Mobile Phone

It's confession time. I know you are now an Android spotting, Iphone carrying, Blackberry owner. But I'm curious. What was your first phone? How much did it cost you?  and just out of  curiosity  again, What kind of phone would that amount of money get you now? To think there was actually a time when everyone relied on the analogue Nitel phones to communicate. Those were the original “ Telephones ” (I say that with an igbo accent) with only one ringtone option “ Grin Grin ”.  Even your next door  neighbour  would know you had a phone call. There was no option for checking missed calls. If you missed a call, that was it. If someone lied that they called you, there was no way you could confirm.   While some people possessed and others shared Telephones between houses, the rich ones at the time owned a Thuraya...that heavy thing that cost so much and was claimed to have the ability to receive and make calls from anywhere; Even the moon....

Foreign Bribery or Corporate Social Responsibility: Is the Nigerian President a Sacred Cow?

The Italian construction company must really be in love with Mr President. Otherwise, why would they offer and why would Mr President accept a gift of a ‘whole’ church building donated to him in his personal capacity. This is happening at a time when nations are tightening Anti-Bribery Laws and when statistics have shown corruption accounts for 5% of the World’s GDP. Was it in ignorance, or is the President exempted from the provisions of the laws on anti-bribery in Nigeria. Transparency International and other like-minded organisations have shown that over 1trillion dollars is paid in bribes annually by people transacting business in other countries.  Nations are no longer smiling with bribe payers or takers even where the bribery was committed in another country. Serious minded Nations have realised the productive uses to which these sums of money could be put. Serious minded Nations have clamped down on foreign bribery. Why then would the President of the Feder...